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Company Detail

Jilin Tianxiang Electromechanical Co., Ltd limited liability company 

Street: 6-27, Chengxi Daying, Lvyuan District Phone: +86 0431-87954859
ZIP Code/ City: 130062 Changchun City  
Country: China  
DUNS Number: 786824422
Total number of employees (including permanent, part time, contract, temporary, in site extensions and in remote functions employees): 45 Total number of employees on site, related to the rail business (including permanent, part time, contract, and temporary employees): 45
Total number of employees in remote functions, related to the rail business (including permanent, parttime, contract, and temporary employees): 0 Total number of employees in site extensions, related to the rail business (including permanent, parttime, contract, and temporary employees): 0
Staff Headcount: Less or equal to 45
Turnover (in Million €): Less or equal to 10
Assessment: simplified
Project management set-up: Make to order (B)

Contact Person

Full Name: Ms. xuejiao zhou
Email Address:
Phone: 13180801055


  Performance Level Standard Product Categories Certification Activity Date of Audit /
Audit valid until
Certificate valid from /
Certificate valid until /
Current date
IRIS rev. 04
  • 05 - Systems
  • 06 - Mechanical
  • 08 - Components
Production & Service provision
18.08.2024 /
12.09.2024 /
17.08.2027 /
