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Download IRIS logo for certified companies

Terms and Conditions for using the IRIS logo by IRIS certified companies

  1. Preamble
    This document describes the terms and conditions of using the IRIS logo.

  2. Form, Design and Colour of the IRIS logo
    It is only allowed to use the IRIS logo according to its scale drawing, form and colour. An IRIS certified company has the allowance - subject to the provisions mentioned below - to present the IRIS logo on its documents. The IRIS logo can be used in printed form, in physical and electronic versions, as well as in films, as long as the forms and formats are respected.
    The same conditions apply to stamp versions.

  3. Abandonment of opinion and interpretation etc.
    When an IRIS certified company publishes different kinds of documents which contain the IRIS logo, opinions and interpretations in reference to the IRIS have to clearly visible and identified.

  4. Usage of the IRIS logo on promotional material
    An IRIS certified company has the allowance to use the IRIS logo on promotional material. The use of the IRIS logo is allowed for company correspondence and advertising documents related to IRIS, after validation from IRIS Management Centre prior to use.
    Furthermore no publication of the IRIS logo is allowed on the products themselves. The IRIS logo is not to be accessible to the public. It has to be assured that all information made about certifications clearly refers to IRIS. It is not allowed to use the IRIS logo in presentations which have no clear connection to the IRIS.

  5. Further restriction of using the IRIS Logo
    The IRIS logo cannot be used in a way that gives one to suppose or to think that the IRIS owners take the responsibility for compliance with certification requirements, as well as for the opinions and interpretations that are deduced. In case of cancellation of the IRIS certificate, the certified company has to stop immediately and verifiably the use of the IRIS logo on its documents.

Brussels, March 2007,

Michael Clausecker
UNIFE General Director


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