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Launch of the IRIS Addendum 2015!

IRIS Management Centre is launching the IRIS Addendum 2015. 
The IRIS Addendum 2015 will simplify the evaluation process by introducing an assessment sheet as the new mandatory tool for auditors to be used during the evaluation of a company instead of the current questionnaire. This assessment sheet will also be useful for the audited company as well, offering much clearer feedback and more concrete examples of good practices to implement. Moreover, the IRIS Addendum 2015 creates a complete product scope for infrastructure companies by enlarging the existing scope 19.
The distributors are informed and will
1) Distribute IRIS Addendum 2015 to their existing clients 
2) update their Web portal, allowing all IRIS interested new customers to download the complete documents in all related languages (English, French, German, Polish and Russian).
Following this IRIS Addendum 2015, the IRIS Audit-Tool (available for IRIS members only) has been updated as well. The version manages all changes provided by the IRIS Addendum 2015, thus it contains now the entire set of requirements including the ISO 9001:2008 one. Therefore, copyright fees are due even by upgrading an existing Audit-Tool (€150,00). New licenses will cost €600,00.
The upgrade of the current IRIS Audit-Tool to V has to be done via the current version. By opening the Audit-Tool a message for upgrade will appear. By downloading and installing this upgrade, the client accepts the payment conditions.
please download the IRIS Addendum 2015 by clicking on the link below.


 If you do not have Acrobat Reader yet, you can download it for free by clicking  here.

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