Company/ Legal Form of Company : *
Street and No: *
ZIP Code */City: *
Country: *
Phone: *
VAT Identification Number:
DUNS Number: *
Internet website (https://) *:
Company Social Handle:
Total number of employees (including permanent, part time, contract, temporary, in site extensions and in remote functions employees): *
Total number of employees on site, related to the rail business (including permanent, part time, contract, and temporary employees): *
Total number of employees in remote functions, related to the rail business (including permanent, parttime, contract, and temporary employees): *
Total number of employees in site extensions, related to the rail business (including permanent, parttime, contract, and temporary employees): *
Select your certification activities in the rail business: *
Design and Development
Production & Service provision
Project Management
Requirements Management
Select your business categories in the rail business: *
Rolling stock
Testing & Tools |
Select your project management set-up: * |
Describe your products for the rail sector: *
List your projects delivered to the rail sector: *
List your customers in the rail sector: *
Reasoning for joining: *
Timeframe to become IRIS Certified: *
Staff Headcount: * |
Turnover (in Million €): * |
Assessment : |