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Register here

Please complete the fields below, marked with a star (*).


Company/ Legal Form of Company : *
Street and No: *
ZIP Code */City: * /
Country: *
Phone: *
VAT Identification Number:
DUNS Number: *
Internet website (https://) *:
Company Social Handle:
Total number of employees (including permanent, part time, contract, temporary, in site extensions and in remote functions employees): *
Total number of employees on site, related to the rail business (including permanent, part time, contract, and temporary employees): *
Total number of employees in remote functions, related to the rail business (including permanent, parttime, contract, and temporary employees): *
Total number of employees in site extensions, related to the rail business (including permanent, parttime, contract, and temporary employees): *
Select your certification activities in the rail business: *   Design and Development
  Production & Service provision
  Project Management
  Requirements Management
Select your business categories in the rail business: *   Rolling stock
  Testing & Tools
Select your project management set-up: *
Describe your products for the rail sector: *
List your projects delivered to the rail sector: *
List your customers in the rail sector: *
Reasoning for joining: *
Timeframe to become IRIS Certified: *
Staff Headcount: *
Turnover (in Million €): *
Assessment :

Contact Person (Supervisor)

Form of Address:
First Name: *
Last Name: *
Email Address (User name): *
Phone: *
Language: *

Company already certified for:

ISO 9001:2015:    with following Certification Body:   
IATF 16949:2016:    with following Certification Body:   
AS 9100:2016:    with following Certification Body:   

Choose the Certification Body to be linked with your company

If you already know which is the Certification Body you would like to be connected to, please choose it in the list below:

Registration Type

Defined: Cost 0 - Includes the one-time registration fee for the IRIS Portal and the IRIS Certification® Performance Assessment (please select your preferred language below).
Advanced: Cost 0 - Includes the one-time registration fee for the IRIS Portal and 1 Audit-tool license (discounted price) and the IRIS Certification® Performance Assessment (please select your preferred language below).More information on the IRIS Audit-Tool can be found here
IRIS Certification® Performance Assessment:2023*

If you would like to add more locations/subsidiaries, please log in after the account has been activated and click on the left side menu: 'add location'

By entering your details in this form, you agree to the processing of your data in accordance with our privacy policy which is available upon demand or on our website.