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2nd IRIS Conference Registration

2nd IRIS Conference in Brussels on 05 and 06 October 2009

On 05 and 06 October 2009, the IRIS Management Centre will host the second IRIS Conference in the Renaissance Brussels Hotel (Brussels, Belgium).The first day will gather high level speakers from Industry and Operators to highlight the need to move forward in the direction of an entire rail sector scheme. The second day event will bring together representatives from Rail Stakeholders to discuss mainly the necessity and the advantages to be IRIS certified, how and why IRIS is quickly expanding worldwide and the differences of IRIS Revision 02 .

IRIS approved certification bodies will be present to provide advice and guidance in the IRIS Certification process.

We expect the participation of CEOs, Managing Directors and Quality Managers of the Rail Sector companies.

- To download the FINAL program of the conference, please click here
- To download the hotel list for the conference, please click here

Please complete the fields below, marked with a star (*).

Personal data

Company: *
Gender: *
First Name: *
Last Name: *
Street and No: *
ZIP Code * /City: * /
Country: *
VAT Identification Number: * What is it?
I don't have a V.A.T. number:
Phone: *
Email Address: *

Cost of participation to the conference (including an IRIS booklet): *

IRIS Member Non-IRIS Member
Monday, the 5th of October 110 EUR 140 EUR
Tuesday, the 6th of October 110 EUR 140 EUR
05 October 2009 / 06 October 2009 190 EUR 250 EUR

Payment Type*

Credit Card (1):
Note: in case of any credit card payment issue, please contact Nevena Petrova ( for other payment options.
Note: to become an IRIS member, please visit this page


(1) We accept the following credit cards: